Label: year planning

New Year, New Beginnings

It's the new year, 2022, and it's time to close the previous one. I suggest you take the time, about 2-3 hours, to close the previous one and plan for the New Year! You can also find countless help for this on the net (for example, here), below I would suggest only a couple of points of view:

  • write down what 2021 taught you about yourself, human relationships, challenges? What do you carry on? Let go of what?
  • what everything, who “took " everyone 2021? Who “gave " everyone?

After writing it all down in your diary, close your eyes and say goodbye to the previous year.

Then open a new page in your diary and start planning your year 2022. It is worth considering that although we would like to get it over with, Covid is still here among us. Check out the areas below what you plan to do:

  • at work, financially
  • private life
  • in terms of Health
  • hobbies and creativity
  • in terms of development
  • etc. (Important areas for you).

If this year promises to be dense, it is worth doing a monthly plan for 12 months afterwards, then you will better see which areas of life will require more energy from you in which months. 

If you feel internal tension due to Covid or other infuriating situation, I recommend doing the following:

  • In a safe environment (where there are no other living beings besides us), let's take out our anger (shout out in an open space, punch pillows/punching bags, tear up unnecessary things, etc.)
  • we can also cry out for our helplessness over the situation
  • let's relax, let's go to nature
  • let's start “playing around” Covid: you can create a home movie viewing for yourself, you can go on a trip with a few relatives/family/friends/alone, you can also give yourself a wellness experience at home. The main thing is to recharge!
  • consciously keep in touch with relatives, friends and acquaintances online/by phone/in an open space!
  • eat vitamins, seasonal fruits / vegetables, replenish our vitamin stores

If further interested in stress management, click here! If you would like to work with me, please email the e-mail address.